Is your system slower and less efficient than it was before? YooApplications presents Sweepi, a free tool that will help you solve this problem and protect your privacy. Windows automatically files great amounts of data on your hard drive that document your work and your usage of the internet. In time this data gets to be so large that it influences the efficiency of your system. Additionally, this data can be used by spyware programs to document your internet history and to accede to your personal data. Sweepi will help you find the unnecessary data quickly and safely destroy it.

Sweepi MainCleaner

The search for unnecessary data with Sweepi MainCleaner is very efficient and reliable. This tool can be used in classic mode, designed mainly for experienced users, or in CleanUp Wizard mode, designed especially for new users.







Sweepi LiveUpdate

Sweepi LiveUpdate ensures that all Sweepi components are kept up to date. LiveUpdate scans the YooApplications servers for updates that can then be downloaded and installed. Make sure to run LiveUpdate on a regular basis to keep your version of Sweepi up to date. LiveUpdate can also be programmed to search for updates automatically.





Sweepi ShortCutter

Sweepi ShortCutter finds and removes erroneous shortcuts from your system. It scans user defined files, folders and even drives quickly and efficiently. The erroneous shortcuts can then be deleted, corrected or refreshed. ShortCutter helps you to prevent the accumulation of erroneous shortcuts (especially after deinstalling programs) and allows you to keep your system tidy.




Sweepi Slicer

Did you know that files can be restored even after having been deleted with the Windows Recycle Bin?

The only thing that is needed to do this is a special program. These programs are usually easy to get by and they often are relatively cheap.
The restoration of deleted files can seriously endanger your privacy, since you usually do not want personal data about your bank accounts, tax reports, financial holdings, letters of application etc. to be accessible to other people. This tool can also help you delete personal data on a computer that you are about to sell. Thanks to Sweepi Slicer you will not have to be afraid of other people having access to your private data!

Sweepi Slicer deletes files securely from your hard drive. Files that have been deleted by Sweepi Slicer are virtually impossible to restore.

Sweepi Slicer deletes unnecessary files using the DoD 5220.22-M sanitizing standard which is based on guidelines from the US Department of Defence.
Files that are deleted using this procedure are overwritten several times with predefined data patterns. After having been overwritten, the files are removed from the system. This makes their restoration virtually impossible, even by analysing the magnetic structure of the hard drive.


Sweepi BootManager

Are you tired of always having to wait several minutes for Windows to start up? Wasn’t it a lot easier and faster when you had just bought your system?

This problem is often caused by the fact that many programs are launched automatically during Windows start up. Each program uses additional resources and therefore slows down the whole process.

Sweepi BootManager will help you get rid of this problem. This tool allows you to choose the programs that will be executed during Windows start up. Besides helping you to easily manage your autostart entries, Sweepi BootManager also provides a description of the programs.
Thanks to the help of Sweepi users, YooApplications is able to provide a constantly growing database of autostart entries. So if you find entries that have not yet been described, please don’t forget to report them. Database updates can be downloaded by using Sweepi LiveUpdate.